Problems in mauritius
Problems in mauritius

The pandemic reshaped our current understanding of work, with teleworking becoming one of the most widespread trends. The GWAS averted a potential downward spiral, and remains one of the main policy tools to contain both the employment and social fallout of the COVID-19 crisis. While the Government Wage Assistance Scheme (GWAS) to ensure sustained livelihoods continues to be a warranted initiative, can it really withstand a protracted period of pandemic-induced uncertainty? The impact of this sharp decline in tourism is being felt, first and foremost, at the level of people and households. Prior to the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, the sector had on average contributed about 7% of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of Mauritius over the past 10 years, and in 2019, accounted for 22% of employment. The tourism sector has been on pause since March 2020 in Mauritius. The patient will not recover if the treatement target only the superficial symptoms it is essential to eradicate the causal agent of the disease.The COVID-19 pandemic has put the tourism sector, one of the major economic pillars of Mauritius, on still-pause since March 2020. The source of mental pollution is the pecuniary factor. The vulgarition of obscenity and indecency yields considerable profits which seemingly override their consequences on society. Everything that is demonstrated on television is considered by children and adolescents as official, authorised and should therefore to be accepted and even imitated. On the other hand, media constitues a powerful social influence. Joblessness represents an adequate cause for the proliferation of various social problems such as prostitution, drugs, violence, etc.

problems in mauritius problems in mauritius

In this respect, two essential questions which need to be addressed to relate to unemployment and the exploitation of the media for commercial purposes. But it is to be understood that so long as material considerations will continue to overwhelm the justification of the human factor in the circuit of economic development, society will be exposed to all sorts of evils and wrongdoings. The blame is very often laid on the parents, teachers, absence of tough legislation, etc.

problems in mauritius

It is essential, in the first instance, to identify the source of that contamination and to direct, accordingly, the corrective measures.

problems in mauritius

The resolution of the environmental problem undoubtedly constitutes an important activity on the part of the authorities concerned however, it should be recognised that in the present circumstances where society is characterised by a significant decline in moral and human values, the most serious pollution against which an urgent and definite battle has to be waged is that of the mind.

Problems in mauritius